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Locating Rental Unit Detail (RUD) Pages

Discover how to access extensive details about your rental equipment, including specifications, documents (such as load charts), service cases, inspection reports, and more.

To access Rental Unit Detail (RUD) pages, it is necessary to have a current Custom Truck One Source unit on rent and an account created and associated on customtruck.com. If you do not already have an account, we recommend registering now. Detailed step-by-step instructions on how to create an account are available for your convenience.

    1. Visit customtruck.com. In the upper right-hand corner, click Log In/Register. Enter your credentials to login. 
    2. Once logged in, hover over your name in the upper right-hand corner and select REPORTS from the dropdown menu.

    3. Under SALES & RENTAL, select Equipment on Rent & Telematics - Zonar.

    4. Navigate to the Unit # column and select the equipment number link to view additional detailed information about the unit. Utilize the filter search bar to refine your results by entering information from any column (such as unit #, VIN, contract number, etc.).


For any issues accessing equipment information on any of your rental equipment, please reach out to portal@customtruck.com.